Dr Vija Sodera FRCS

Many people accept the idea that humans evolved through an ancestral line that includes bacteria and fish. However, if you accept the notion that our great…great grandparents were ancient ape-like creatures, then it follows that you must accept that our great…great…great…great grandparents were fish.
When this is explained, many individuals respond by saying two things:

  • They didn’t realise that this is what evolution means.
  • And they don’t really believe that we are modified apes.

So, every assumption must be weighed only by the evidence, and without bias.

Animal biology teaches three important things
  1. The deeper you look, nothing becomes simple. More and more complexity is seen.
  2. All the evidence points to evolution being impossible.
  3. Nothing in biology makes any sense, except when the idea of evolution is discarded.

If there are only two logical options, then if one is disproved, the other must be true.
So, either life evolved from inanimate chemicals with no outside organising influence, or life did not evolve from inanimate chemicals with no outside organising influence.
If it is proved that it is impossible for life to have evolved from inanimate chemicals with no outside organising influence, then it must be true that an outside organising influence caused life to appear.

Evolution is impossible

The bird lung
The bird lung unambiguously demonstrates that it is impossible for it to have evolved from an ancestral creature which ultimately had a simple bellows-type lung.
Therefore, even if some dinosaurs may have had a bird-like lung, they could not have evolved from an ancestral creature which ultimately had a simple bellows-type lung.
Numerous other features prove that birds are not modified bipedal running dinosaurs.

The mammalian diaphragm
The mammalian diaphragm unambiguously demonstrates that neither amphibians nor reptiles could have evolved into mammals.
Therefore, the ancestors of mammals were never – at any time in the past – reptiles, amphibians or fish.

The human foot
The human foot unambiguously demonstrates that apes with thumbs on their feet could not have evolved into humans. Numerous other features prove that humans are not modified apes.
Therefore, the ancestors of humans were never – at one time – ancient apes.

The book One Small Speck to Man ~ the evolution myth presents detailed scientific evidence from animal biology which falsifies evolution, and is fully illustrated with over 1300 images, with numerous dissections and diagrams.
Click below to see the prologue taken from this book, which discusses why believing in evolution is unscientific and therefore irrational.

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