Dr Vija Sodera is a surgeon, public speaker and author of the book One Small Speck to Man ~ the evolution myth.
Although he was taught evolution at school and university, Vija has always been concerned that the idea is based on the most tenuous and unconvincing foundations, and the first edition of One Small Speck to Man ~ the evolution myth was the result of 14 years’ rigorous exploration of the scientific evidence.

His natural history studies have taken him to East Africa, Canada, Florida, Iceland and Israel, where he has photographed diverse wildlife and geology. All the artwork and diagrams in One Small Speck to Man ~ the evolution myth are his own work, in addition to the anatomical dissections and most of the photographs.

Lamb vagus & phrenic nerves

Cow heart

Conger eel skull

Badger bones
Vija is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, with extensive experience in emergency surgery and skin surgery. In addition to his Minor Surgery series, he has authored three other textbooks, with sales of over 30,000 and which have been translated into Italian, Japanese and Indonesian, with a special Indian edition. All his books are extensively illustrated with his own illustrations and photographs. His acclaimed book Skin Surgery in General Practice and his Skin Tumour diagnostic poster are found in most general practices in the UK. He has also published numerous articles on minor surgery in primary care, and on minor injuries. He is currently working on a new Diagnostic Atlas on Minor Injuries. For more information, visit minorsurgery.org

Having always had a special love of animals, Vija is an accomplished wildlife artist, and has exhibited many of his paintings. A number of his paintings are featured in One Small Speck to Man ~ the evolution myth.
Vija and his wife live on the south coast of England. They have two daughters and four grandchildren.