The Case for Creation
Total running time: approx. 5.5 hours
With contributions from a surgeon, chemist, biologist and geologist, this series proves that creation is true and that evolution is a myth.
Presented by Dr Vija Sodera FRCS, with guests
Dr David Rosevear, Paul Garner and Philip Bell
Available to purchase as a DVD set (£20) or to stream online (£11.50)
For streaming outside of the UK, click here.
DVD description
This three-part series is based on six 1-hour television programmes, and deals with the main issues of Creation.
With contributions from a surgeon, a chemist, a biologist and a geologist, the DVDs provide a wealth of authoritative evidence, comprehensively proving that there is no scientific basis for the evolutionary paradigm, and that all the evidence aligns with the Biblical perspective.